Monday, September 7, 2009

Thank You to SUPER Parents!

I am so impressed with the amount of support we have had from parents this year!

In addition to several parents that have volunteered in the office, I'd like to thank Susan Harper, Helen Lovell, Kelly Bond, and Laura Woolf for dropping by our classroom to volunteer! There is always something to do in our classroom, so volunteer efforts are so appreciated!

I'd also like to thank LaKeshia Silvers, Andrea Caves, and David Harper for coming to our classroom during their child's "King/Queen of the Jungle" week. Ms. Silvers and Mr. Harper read to the class, and Ms. Caves helped her daughter Maya show off some AWESOME gymnastics moves! Both the students and I would like to thank these parents for taking such a big part in their child's learning!

Several moms volunteered to be room moms for the year. Laura Woolf ( and Helen Lovell ( will work together to plan any events in our class throughout the year, and LaKeshia Silvers ( will coordinate any volunteer work in the classroom. If you have any ideas, or would like to volunteer, please contact these moms!

Again, thanks for all you do! Your involvement in your child's learning (both inside and outside of the classroom) is so important! :)

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